Shelf Life of a Compressor

26 Feb.,2024


This seems to be prompted by a recall IR had back in 2002.
(Dewalt is also putting expiration date stickers on their tanks.
IMO, they should stamp the compressor somewhere instead of using a sticker.)

“Air Tank: On February 26, 2002, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission published Release # 02-108 concerning air compressor tank safety:
Air compressor receiver tanks do not have an infinite life. Tank life is dependent upon several factors, some of which include operating conditions, ambient conditions, proper installations, field modifications, and the level of maintenance. The exact effect of these factors on air receiver life is difficult to predict. If proper maintenance procedures are not followed, internal corrosion to the inner wall of the air receiver tank can cause the air tank to unexpectedly rupture allowing pressurized air to sud- denly and forcefully escape, posing risk of injury to consumers. Your compressor air tank must be removed from service by the end of the year shown on your tank warning label.
The following conditions could lead to a weakening of the air tank, and result in a violent air tank explosion:
• Excessive vibration can weaken the air tank and cause rupture or explosion. Excessive vibration will occur if the compressor is not properly mounted or
if engine operates above recommended RPM.
• Do not remove the stiffener bar connecting the compressor pump to the engine, except to adjust belt tension. Then securely tighten the stiffener bar bolts. This bar controls unit vibration.”

I personally feel all this is being exploited so that inferior materials can be used, made cheaper, and put more money in the tool companies pocket. Planned obsolescence.


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