About The Panel Sheets PACKAGING & PALLETING user manual

11 Feb.,2025

The Panel Sheets are fully protected on all sides with wooden framework and steel strapping, which are fit for the purpose of the protection of the Panel Sheets against any damage whilst in transit from the Company's factory to the Customer's final destination.


The Panel Sheets are fully protected on all sides with wooden framework and steel strapping, which are fit for the purpose of the protection of the Panel Sheets against any damage whilst in transit from the Company's factory to the Customer's final destination.


All Amaxco Panel Sheets are packed in strong seaworthy wooden pallets,which are custom made at theCompany's factory for each order.


All Pallets are clearly labeled with the relevantdescription of the Panels sheets inside each Pallet,(i.e.Size,Color,Quantity and Project Name)for easyidentification at the customer's final destination.


Pallet weights are carefully estimated before shipmentso as to ensure that each pallet does not exceed 1.8metric tonnes and that the overall weight of eachcontainer does not exceed the maximum permissibleweight that is allowed under shipping lines' and othertransportation companies' regulations


On receipt of any specialinstruction in writing from thecustomer, the company wll accommodate lowerpallet weights.However, it should be noted that thereduction of the weight of pallets will reduce theloading volume per container and increase the unitcost of the Panel Sheets.


The Law and Regulations in certain destinationcountries might reguire that the wooden pallets befumigated and treated.lf such treatment is reguired,then the Customer must instruct the Company of suchregulations and reguirements at the time of confirmingtheir order, so that the necessary arrangements can bemade by the company in advance to avoid any delaysdue to non-compliance